My life is out of control….Can I still paint? Can I still sell my art?

My life was out of control in Fall 2023. I took on two new classes, one was online. Both classes were overload classes. Bad idea indeed!
Did I continue to paint? YES!
Did I sell my art? YES!!
Here is my experience painting during a very busy and taxing semester. I hope these tips help you continue painting during busy or stressful times:
  1. Create a Dedicated Space:
    • Having a dedicated space for painting really helped me isolate myself from work. Having a dedicated space helps create a mental separation between work and your creative endeavors. Try not to work and create at the same desk. You will always try to work instead of creating art.
  2. Schedule Creative Breaks:
    • I integrated short creative breaks during my work routine. The break was only 30 minutes a week sometimes. This can serve as a mental reset and provide a refreshing change of pace.
  3. Explore Quick Techniques:
    •  I did not paint on large surfaces. I experimented with faster painting techniques and smaller canvases. I also painted with watercolors instead of my usual impasto painting style. This allowed me to make progress even in limited time and prevented me from feeling overwhelmed by the scale of a larger project. I was able to even sell a few smaller scale paintings.
  4. Choose Relaxing or Familiar Subjects:
    • I really enjoy florals and landscapes. I stayed with these familiar topics because I was more relaxed painting these subjects. Focusing on subjects that are familiar helped me alleviate stress.
  5. Embrace Imperfection:
    • Did I make perfect paintings in my sketch book? No! But that is what a sketch book is for. Accept that your paintings don’t need to be perfect. Embrace the process and enjoy the act of creating without putting too much pressure on yourself for flawless results.
  6. Listen to Music or Podcasts or Audiobooks:
    • I love to read. With limited spare time, I was going to create art or read books. I wanted to do both. So, I turned towards Audible. I listened to audiobooks while creating. This enhanced my creative experience and made painting a more enjoyable and stress-relieving activity.
  7. Make Creating Art a Self-Care Routine:
    • I used a few minutes (15 minutes) to 2 hours each week to play in my sketch book. This form of relaxation became essential to my well-being, providing me with a much-needed work-life balance.

Remember that painting is a personal journey, and it’s okay to adapt your approach based on your current circumstances. By incorporating creativity into your routine, you can find a balance that allows you to express yourself artistically even during busy times.

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